Reducing Your Risk of Vaginal Yeast Infections

Some of the most common vaginal infections treated by gynecologists are yeast infections, which affect as many as 3 out of 4 women at so vaginal candidiasis me point in their life. Sometimes referred to as vaginal candidiasis, this type of infection can cause discharge, irritation, and intense itchiness of the vulva and vagina. Keep reading to learn what you can do to reduce your risk of these infections.

Choose Breathable Clothing

Wearing undergarments, pantyhose, or pants that are non-absorbent, tight-fitting, or hold in moisture and warmth can increase your risk of a vaginal yeast infection because they promote a more hospitable environment for the yeast fungus. For this reason, you should opt for underwear, pantyhose, and pants that are loose fitting and made from a breathable material, such as cotton. Sleeping without underwear can also be beneficial.

Keep Yourself Dry

The moist environment that can be caused by tight-fitting, non-absorbent clothing can also result from other factors. You should always change out of wet clothing, such as swimming suits or workout gear, as soon as possible to help reduce your risk of a vaginal yeast infection. Also, the hot, wet environment of a hot tub or hot bath can promote the growth of yeast, so it’s ideal to stay out of the jacuzzi and choose showers over baths to reduce your risk of a yeast infection.

Avoid Antibiotic Use

Antibiotics are medications that are prescribed to kill harmful bacteria that are affecting someone’s health in some way. However, antibiotics can also kill off beneficial bacteria that help your body keep a healthy balance between yeast and bacteria in the vagina. Because of this, taking antibiotics can allow too much yeast to grow in the vagina and lead to an infection, so their use should be avoided when possible.

The gynecologists at Washington Surgi-Clinic provide compassionate and comprehensive care for a wide range of female health issues. If you need vaginal infection treatment near Washington, D.C. , then please give us a call at (202) 659-9403.