Get the Facts About Cervical Dysplasia

For many reasons, it is important for women to see a gynecologist once per year for an exam. During these exams, your doctor can check for female health issues , such as cervical dysplasia, which is a precancerous condition that usually causes no symptoms. Continue reading to get the facts about cervical dysplasia.


Cervical dysplasia is associated with abnormal cell growth on the endocervical canal or the surface lining of the cervix. This precancerous condition is sometimes referred to as cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), and it is more likely in women who require HPV treatment.

Risk Factors

Cervical dysplasia is most common in women under age 30, but the greatest risk factor for this condition is a persistent HPV infection. Women are more likely to develop a persistent HPV infection if they have multiple sex partners, sex with a partner who has had multiple sex partners, sex with an uncircumcised man, or experienced an early initiation to sexual activity.


For most women who contract HPV, their immune system clears out the infection. In others, however, the infection continues and causes cervical dysplasia. There are more than 100 strains of HPV, but HPV 16 and HPV 18 are the 2 types that are strongly associated with cervical dysplasia.


For most women, pelvic exams do not reveal the presence of cervical dysplasia. Instead, a Pap smear can be used to identify the condition.


Factors like the age of the patient and the severity of the condition can influence the treatment of cervical dysplasia. Often, mild cervical dysplasia only requires repeat Pap tests and continued monitoring. Other treatments include loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP), cone biopsy, laser surgery, electrocauterization, and cryosurgery. All patients require follow-up testing following their treatment.

At Washington Surgi-Clinic , our board-certified physicians provide individualized care and gynecology services near Washington D.C. If you have concerns about cervical dysplasia, then please call (202) 659-9403 to schedule your gynecology appointment.