• A Look at Your Medical Abortion Options

    Teenage girl looking thoughtful about troubles

    If you want to end a pregnancy, you may be able to have a medical abortion . This type of abortion, which entails the use of medications, is often an option for women who have not yet passed their ninth week of pregnancy. If you are early enough in your pregnancy and you would prefer taking medications to undergoing a surgical procedure, your gynecologist may prescribe one or more of the following medications to induce an abortion.


    To sustain a pregnancy, the placenta must provide nutrients to the growing embryo. An increase in the production of progesterone allows the placenta to thicken throughout the pregnancy so that it can fulfill this function. If the placenta does not grow, the pregnancy may end. The drug mifepristone can obstruct production of progesterone and the ability of the placenta to grow during a pregnancy, thereby facilitating the end of the pregnancy . You may know mifepristone as the drug RU-486.


    Methotrexate is a drug that works in much the same way as mifepristone. If you would like to end a pregnancy, a gynecologist can prescribe methotrexate to accomplish this. While this drug can be effective at prohibiting the placenta from thickening during pregnancy, it may require more time than mifepristone to complete this step of a medical abortion.


    The reason why many gynecologists prescribe several medications to induce abortion is because they can more successfully accomplish this task than when any one drug is used by itself. In addition to prescribing either mifepristone or methotrexate, an abortion doctor may also give you the drug misoprostol. This medication induces contractions, which is necessary so that the tissues of the uterus and placenta can pass out of your body.

    Do you have more questions about medical abortions? If so, call Washington Surgi-Clinic at (202) 659-9403 to set up a consultation. Our women’s clinic offers both medical and surgical abortion services to residents in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C.


  • The FDA Approves Morning-After Pill for Girls Ages 15 and Up

    The morning-after pill is a medication that can prohibit conception after sexual intercourse. This video reports on who can have access to this drug.

    The FDA has recently approved usage of the morning-after pill without a prescription for girls who are 15 years old or older. Individuals who intend to use this type of drug should be aware of what it can and cannot do. The morning-after pill can delay ovulation of an egg; however, if insemination has already taken place, this medication cannot and will not terminate the pregnancy.

    Are you in need of the morning-after pill? If so, call Washington Surgi-Clinic at (202) 659-9403. Our women’s clinic provides the morning-after pill for all eligible patients in the greater Virginia and Maryland regions.

  • Deciding Whether or Not to Have an Abortion


    If you have found out that you are unexpectedly pregnant, you must next decide if you wish to remain so. Deciding whether to have an abortion is likely one of the most important choices you will make in your life. Knowing if it is right for you is a decision that only you can make. Talking to individuals you trust can help you make your choice. However, it is essential that you take the time to make the best decision for your current and future needs.

    Consider Your Other Options

    Prior to undergoing an abortion, you may want to consider what your life would be like if you followed another path. For instance, what would your life be like if you decided to continue the pregnancy and become a parent? Five or 10 years from now, will you be at peace or regretful of your decision to have an abortion? If becoming a parent is not an option for you, think about whether placing the child for adoption is a viable option.

    Think About Your Personal Beliefs

    Many people have strong views on parenthood, adoption, and abortion. Contemplate how you feel about each of these options. Your beliefs about each choice may be the result of your religious upbringing, political stance, or other factors. Consider if your feelings may be different now that you are pregnant. You may also want to ponder if your beliefs about abortion will remain consistent should you undergo one.

    Take Into Account Your Resources

    When deciding if abortion is the best choice, contemplate your current resources. For instance, if you were to continue the pregnancy, would you have the financial security needed to raise a child? Can you commit to the time and energy that a growing baby requires? Do you have friends and family who would support your decision to have a child? Knowing where you stand with your emotional, social, and financial resources can help you make the choice that is right for you.

    Washington Surgi-Clinic offers abortion services at our private, secure, and compassionate Washington, D.C. office. If you live in D.C., Maryland, or Virginia, we welcome you to call our office at (202) 659-9403 for an appointment. Together we can help you decide if having an abortion is the best choice for your circumstances.