Tips for Talking to Your Partner About an Unexpected Pregnancy

An unexpected pregnancy can be overwhelming to face, and talking about it with your partner can be stressful. Although you are not obligated to discuss your unexpected pregnancy with your partner, if you choose to do so, he can help you navigate the process of making decisions about things like pregnancy termination and prenatal care. If you plan to discuss your unplanned pregnancy with your partner, these tips will help.

See Your Gynecologist First

Over-the-counter pregnancy tests are very reliable, but they are not foolproof. Before you discuss the pregnancy with your partner, see your gynecologist to confirm it. Your doctor can also give you information that can be helpful when you’re talking to your partner, including how far along you are and what your options are for pregnancy termination. Your gynecologist can also discuss prenatal care with you and tell you what you can expect during your pregnancy, so you can share this information with your partner.

Choose the Right Time

Pick a time to talk to your partner in which you can both talk openly and honestly without any time constraints or other pressures. Avoid bringing it up at the end of a stressful day, right before work, or in a place where you are likely to get interrupted. This will allow you both to say what you need to say thoughtfully and without distractions. Because the news may be surprising, this also allows your partner to process the information without feeling rushed.

Know Your Boundaries

Know which options are on the table for you and which are not. If you are unwilling to continue with the pregnancy, be ready to explain the termination process. If you are unwilling to consider a termination, be ready to explain how you plan to move forward with the pregnancy. Keep in mind that your partner may need some time to consider the implications of your pregnancy, so be ready to have more than one conversation.

Washington Surgi-Clinic offers comprehensive women’s health services , including morning-after pills and pregnancy termination in Washington, D.C., with complete patient confidentiality. Call (202) 659-9403 to make an appointment with a gynecologist.