Is a Nonsurgical Pregnancy Termination Right for You?

If you choose to have a pregnancy termination during the first trimester, a nonsurgical abortion, also called a chemical abortion, may be an option for you. There are several different factors involved in choosing the right method of termination, and your gynecologist can help you decide which option is the best for your situation. Here is a look at nonsurgical pregnancy termination and some signs that it could be the right choice for you.

What is nonsurgical pregnancy termination?

Nonsurgical termination uses medications to end the pregnancy rather than a surgical procedure. There are a few different medications your gynecologist can use, depending on the stage of your pregnancy. They can be administered orally, vaginally, or via an injection, and typically, the medications are taken in two parts. You will take the first medication at your doctor’s office and then take the second at home days later, as prescribed by your doctor. After taking the dose of medication at home, you will experience cramping as the fetus is expelled. About a week after taking the second dose of medicine, your gynecologist will perform an exam to ensure the abortion is complete.

Who can have a nonsurgical termination?

Nonsurgical termination is only used for first-trimester abortions in pregnancies less than six weeks old according to menstrual age. Menstrual age, also sometimes called gestational age, is the duration of the pregnancy measured from the first day of your last period. This is different from the conceptional age, which measures the length of your pregnancy starting from the time of conception.

Who is not a good candidate for nonsurgical termination?

Anyone further along in her pregnancy than six weeks cannot have a nonsurgical termination. Women who are anemic or who have liver, kidney, bowel, or seizure disorders may not be able to have non-surgical termination, as it could cause dangerous complications. Your gynecologist will consider your medical history when recommending the right procedure to you.

Get the information you need about your abortion options at Washington Surgi-Clinic. We offer safe and confidential first and second trimester abortions in Washington, D.C. , with complete support throughout the process. Make an appointment by calling (202) 659-9403.