Why Am I Getting Two Periods Per Month?

Generally, women should get their periods every 21 to 35 days, or every 21 to 45 days during their teenage years. However, it’s possible for periods to come closer together in some cases, including two times in the same four-week period. If this change occurs during your menstrual cycle, consult with your gynecologist . In some cases, having more than one period in a month could indicate an underlying medical condition that needs to be treated. Here is a look at some of the potential causes of experiencing a shorter menstrual cycle.

Thyroid Problems

Your thyroid is a gland in your neck that produces a hormone that is required for a number of different activities in your body. When your thyroid either becomes overactive and produces too much hormone or underactive and produces too little, your menstrual cycle can be affected. If you are having multiple periods in a month, your gynecologist may perform a blood test to check your thyroid levels.


At the onset of menopause, it’s common for periods to become irregular before they stop. Often, women will experience heavier periods than normal or have periods that come closer together than they used to. This is especially common in early-onset menopause. If your gynecologist determines that you’re entering menopause, he or she may recommend hormone replacement therapy to ease your symptoms.

Weight Fluctuations

Changes in your weight can have a significant impact on your menstrual cycle. Extreme weight loss or a sudden, extreme increase in weight can both change the length of your menstrual cycle and cause you to experience more than one period in a month. This can also occur as a result of extreme weight loss efforts, such as a sudden, drastic increase in exercising or decrease in calories.

Make an appointment with a gynecologist in Washington, D.C. at Washington Surgi-Clinic if you are experiencing changes in your menstrual cycle. Contact us today to schedule a visit by calling (202) 659-9403.